- Ducks have waterproof feathers. They have a special gland positioned near their tails, called the preen gland or the oil gland. This gland produces oil, which ducks rub over their feathers with their beaks to maintain their waterproof effects. This oil creates a protective barrier that stops feathers becoming waterlogged.
Courtesy: http://www.gamelikeachampion.com
- Baboon has one tail. Baboons are African and Arabian old world monkeys belonging to the genus Papio.
Courtesy: http://creagrus.home.montereybay.com
- Chameleon can change color. Different chameleon species are able to vary their coloration and patterns.These coloration and patterns develop through the combinations of pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown, light blue, yellow, turquoise and purple. Chameleon skin has a superficial layer which contains pigments. Under the layer are cells with guanine crystals.
Courtesy: https://media1.tenor.com
- The cockerel or rooster crows in the morning. Scientists exposed that the animals vocalize more in response to light and sound in the mornings than during other times of the day.
Courtesy: https://www.weedemandreap.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Depositphotos_49240287_s-copy.jpg
- · Snakes’ eggs have flexible shell. Eggs laid by the snakes generally have leathery shells which often adhere to one another.
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